Shweizerhof - Zurich
Welcome to our website! Here you can find the selection of the products that are being exhibited in the Schweizerhof Hotel. We are proud to be one of the first ethical jewelry stores in Switzerland, with creations made using Max Havelaar Fairtrade gold as well as laboratory-grown diamonds. All our models can be personalized according to your needs. You can order them through this website or make a purchase in the Schweizerhof Hotel directly. If you’d like to try some of our products, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us in Zurich or Geneva. We’ll be more than happy to help you through your purchase. If you have any specific questions, do not hesitate to contact us per telephone: 022 732 38 64 or email:

Collier The Grand Jeté - or jaune 18k
CHF. 1.830

Collier The Little Bee XS - or rouge 18k
CHF. 1.730

Rainbow Black Diams - or jaune 18k
CHF. 1.870

Rainbow Jaune - or blanc 18k
CHF. 2.330

Rainbow Vert Vibrant - or jaune 18k
CHF. 2.200

The Bicolor Thousand - or blanc et rouge 18k
CHF. 2.450

The Bloom - or jaune 18k
CHF. 1.830

The Graceful One 1.25 carats - or blanc 18k
CHF. 7.570

The Infinity Aura - or blanc 18k
CHF. 4.230

The Infinity Love Summit - or rouge 18k
CHF. 4.990

The Little Green Leaves - or blanc 18k
CHF. 2.330

The Love Summit - or rouge 18k
CHF. 2.930

The V-Shape XL 1.00 carats - or blanc 18k
CHF. 5.030